COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis

Due to this world wide pandemic, Fastfix Pro has taken the decision to adopt full lockdown until further notice!!


Covid-19 – what is it?

  • COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It’s caused by a virus called coronavirus.


How big could the pandemic get?

The disease has already taken hold in Europe, the United States and south east Asia and is beginning to wreak havoc in Africa and South America. The World Health Organization is particularly concerned at the ability of the poorest countries in the world to control the disease.


How did the outbreak start?

The source of the coronavirus is believed to be a “wet market” in Wuhan which sold both dead and live animals including fish and birds.

Such markets pose a heightened risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans because hygiene standards are difficult to maintain if live animals are being kept and butchered on site. Typically, they are also densely packed allowing disease to spread from species to species.

The animal source of Covid-19 has not yet been identified, but the original host is thought to be bats. Bats were not sold at the Wuhan market but may have infected live chickens or other animals sold there.

Bats are host to a wide range of zoonotic viruses including Ebola, HIV and rabies.


What are the symptoms?

  • The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are a high temperature and a new, continuous cough.
  • Initial symptoms include fever, dry cough, tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell. Other symptoms are emerging such as a lost of taste and smell and stomach problems.


What can we do?

  • Everyone must stay at home to help stop coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading. Wash your hands with soap and water often to reduce the risk of infection.
  • You can usually treat mild coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms at home. If your symptoms are severe, you may need medical care until you recover.


Everyone must stay at home to help stop coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading. Wash your hands with soap and water often to reduce the risk of infection.


To help stop the spread of coronavirus, you should only leave the house for 1 of 4 reasons:
  • Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible
  • One form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household
  • Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
  • Travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home


These 4 reasons are exceptions – even when doing these activities, you should be minimising time spent outside of the home and ensuring you are 2 metres apart from anyone outside of your household.
You should also:
  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – for at least 20 seconds
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean


From all the team at Fastfix Pro……… the right thing, stay clean and above all; stay safe!!

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