Whilst we have been back to work for a couple of weeks returning from the Covid-19 lockdown it’s certainly not normality.
We have seen huge changes to showrooms, receptions and workshop environments demonstrating 2 meter distance guidelines at all times and appropriate PPE being supplied for both staff and customers. Staying alert is paramount!!
It’s a huge leap to be returning to work and quite a few insurance companies have seen an increase in motor claims which can only be positive for the accident repair industry.
One must remain optimistic and positive that we won’t encounter a 2nd wave of the coronavirus and continue to combat Covid-19 as best as we can and focus on our daily working tasks.
I have to say it’s so reassuring to be returning to work not only for our economy but also for our mental state, after all; I don’t think I could feast on anymore BBQ’s. Let’s hope this remains the case and we can all continue with our lives….
So great to get stuck into this Tiguan tailgate damage 3 stage pearl which was repaired and painted on the same day!